9:32 PM on Thursday, November 10, 2011
Hey guys! Day 3 (10/11) for Polympics is over! Here are the results for today.
Floorball (Completed)
Placings :
1. Amiruls Team
2. Nuruddins Team
3. Syafiqs Team
Basketball (Completed)
Placings :
1. Chong Qings Team
2. Gaddiels Team
3. Samuels Team
Volleyball (Semifinal Stage)
Teams remaining
B5 - Seng Yans Team
A3 - Jin Haos Team
B3 - Aloys Team
B2 - Tonys Team
Congrats to teams from Floorball and Basketball who have placed, and all the best to the rest of you who still have games to go!
Have a good rest and stay in school!
With love,
1:23 AM on
Hi Polympers! ! Day 2 (9/11) for Polympics have come to an end! Well done!!! :)Sports competed: Basketball, Netball!
Teams for Basketball moving on to 2nd round:
X5- Gaddiel's group
X6- Justin's Group
Y5- Keith's Group
Y6- Claudsen's Group
Z6- Ernest's Group
Z6- Samuel's Group
Please feel free to contact the organizers if you have any queries (be it scores/anything else that is related to Polympics).
Have a good rest, especially for the participants.
With love,
11:02 PM on Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Hi guys! Volleyball day 1 (8/11) for Polympics have come to an end! Great job guys!!! :)
Here are some scores and updates for the game:
First halfA1 VS B2
18 : 25
A3 VS B4
21 : 25
A5 VS A1
22 : 25
B2 VS A3
25 : 19
B4 VS A5
19 : 25
A1 VS A3
21 : 25
B2 VS B4
25 : 16
Second half
B1 VS A2
14 : 25
B3 VS A4
25 : 15
B5 VS B1
25 : 21
A2 VS B3
6 : 25
A4 VS B5
23 : 25
B1 VS B3
25 : 23
A2 VS A4
5 : 25
A1: Yu hong's team
A2: Wesley's team
A3: Jin Hao's team
A4: Alan's team
A5: Harry's team
B1: Devin's team
B2: Tony's team
B3: Aloy's team
B4: Schvelle's team
B5: Seng Yau's team
That's about it.
Please feel free to contact the organizers if you have any queries (be it scores/anything else that is related to Polympics).
Have a good rest, especially for the participants.
With love,
7:32 PM on Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The SCHEDULE for POLYMPICS 2011 is finally out! Please take note of the dates for the sports you guys (your incredible team!) are interested in and mark the dates down in your personal diaries! (:
Please refer to the picture above for an overview of the dates for ALL sports. Here's the dates you guys have to mark down (if y'all are interested) for each respective Sport:
Basketball (9th, 10th, 14th November)
Futsal (14th, 15th, 16th November)
Frisbee (14th, 15th, 16th November)
Floorball (9th, 10th, 16th November)
Netball (9th, 14th, 16th November)
Volleyball (8th, 10th, 14th November)
And of course, do keep the most important date: 17th November, FREE! We will be conducting the awesome, epic and phenomenal POLYMPICS FINALE on the day! (:
With Love,
Students' Sports Council
1:38 PM on Saturday, October 22, 2011
We, the 18th Students’ Sports Council Committee are holding our annual sports competition, POLYMPICS on 8 – 17 November this year! Unlike the previous years where students would represent their respective faculties to compete against the different sports we offer, this year, students of various schools are allowed to come together and form their own team.
Excited much?
The 6 different sports we have put together for you guys consist of Basketball, Floorball, Frisbee, Futsal, Netball and Volleyball. The team formation for the different sports will be as follow:
- 3 Players + 1 Reserve (4 per team)
- Purely Male/Female teams
- Max 1 IVP/POL-ITE member per team
- 3 Players + 1 Reserve (4 per team)
- Mixed teams
- At least 1 female on court
- Max 1 IVP/POL-ITE member per team
- 5 Players + 3 Reserves (8 per team)
- Mixed teams
- At least 3 females on field
- Max 2 IVP/POL-ITE members per team
- 5 Players + 2 Reserves (7 per team)
- Male teams only
- Max 2 IVP/POL-ITE members per team
- 7 Players + 2 Reserves (9 per team)
- Mixed teams
- Max 3 guys on court
- Max 2 IVP/POL-ITE members per team
- 6 Players + 2 Reserves (8 per team)
- Mixed teams
- At least 2 females on court
- Max 2 IVP/POL-ITE members per team
Apart from the sports competition, do anticipate for the highlight of this year’s Polympics which is …… the Amazing Race! It will be held on the last day of this event, which falls on a Thursday, 17th November! Appetizing food and spectacular performances are well lined up for you guys! :)
Also, medals will be given away to the Top 3 teams for each sport and for the Amazing Race! Quit hesitating! Start forming your teams now, and sign up with us at our registration booth! *LIMITED SLOTS PER SPORT*
Date: 31st October to 4th November 2011
Time: 11am-6pm
Venue: NP Student Plaza
By joining our event, you guys are entitled to receive our very own manufactured Polympics badge and will also get to enjoy sumptuous food on the Finale! CCA Points will be awarded to all participants too! We really hope to see you guys there! :)
For more information, do visit http://www.ngeeannpolympics.blogspot.com/ or
contact our Organizers, Amanda and Jessica at 9150 9236 and 9615 9511 respectively! :)
With Love, Students' Sports Council (SSC)
9150 9236
9615 9511
CCA heads contacts
9185 3708
9011 5859
9796 4725
9871 9402
9859 4104
9060 2078